Select Filters > Cleaning and Repairing > Remove Duplicated Vertices. You should choose the STL format because all the slicing software programs used in 3D. Select Filters > Cleaning and Repairing > Remove Duplicate Faces > click Apply. If you cant get the source files you wont be able to position your 2 parts that precise. Select Filters > Cleaning and Repairing > Merge Close Vertices > click Apply.

A window will pop up and show you all the holes in your model.
How to repair your object or search for holes Then click Delete the Current Selected Face and Vertices.To delete a part of the mesh, click on Select Face in a rectangular region.Check the first three boxes and click Apply. When you have all the parts in place, right-click on any part of your combined mesh then click on Flatten Visible Layers.When you have the desired view on the object press Escapeagain to continue transforming. When you want to rotate your view, press Escape. Turn the circle around the object to rotate it. MindsRiot stl MeshLabthis video is about sutract two stl images and get the error readings or say overlapping two. Drag and drop the arrows to move or scale the model in one direction. The direction you are looking at the model determines the coordinate system you are working in.Press T to select the Transform option, R to rotate and S to scale.Select the object in the Layer menu and click on M anipulator Tools.Many useful tools are available in the Task bar.